Archive | June, 2014

Starfish Nails

30 Jun

Here in UAE it is hot and sweaty summer. All I think about is eating watermelons and drinking jars after jars of lemonade. After last time’s attempt of beach nails I thought of starting summer nail collections. This time I am back with starfish nail design. A perfect design if you are goin out to the beach.

Starfish nails

First paint one finger with gold or silver polish and 2 nails with white polish. Now take a makeup sponge and do the gradient polishing by using sea green and light blue. Let it dry, once it is dry take a small striper or nail brush and dip it in little white polish and give it curvy lines or wavy effect like how it is shown in the picture. Now the starfish part comes, paint your thumb and middle finger with light blue polish and once it is dried take a tooth pick or dotting tool to create stars in coral red color. Now add small white dots on it for the 3D effect and add small golden glitters to the space available between starfishes.